NRENum.net is a service administered by GEANT Association and provided by ENUM for the academy. Here, each NREN obtains the delegation of a zone associated to the code of the country in which the assignment of numerical records related to the communication devices of the academic institutions are performed, then creating a global directory for the establishment of the communications.RENATA® Corporation (NREN from COLOMBIA) under the MAGIC project, presents and makes available to the NRENs Globales community the online NRENum course, this with the purpose that the NRENs community have the knowledge for the implementation and commissioning of NRENum in each of their countries. We expect that the presented aspects can contribute to the strengthening of such initiatives in each of their territories.
Document developed by RENATA® as WP4 leader with support of MAGIC project partners.
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MAGIC Project
MAGIC: Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities
Project evaluated and approved for a Grant by the EC in Horizon 2020
Start: May 2015 End: April 2017
Building on the success of the ELCIRA project, RedCLARA -with partners from Latin America, Europe, the Caribbean, West and Central Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, Central Asia and Asia-Pacific- is leading MAGIC, a cooperation project which aims to significantly improve the ability of researchers and academics around the world to collaborate together.
Source: http://magic-project.eu/index.php/about/about-magic
MAGIC project official website:
Working Package No. 4 (WP4)
Leader: RENATA® The Working Package No. 4 of the MAGIC project called "Agreements for Real Time Communications" has as its main objective the adoption of NRENum.net service as a standard in the real-time communications such as video conferences, voice over IP and web conference services that are based on the H.323 protocol and SIP in new regions (Africa-Asia-Pacific) and Latin American NRENs. Services developed in this working package seek to provide to academic users with little experience in technology the knowledge to use the real-time communication devices (like video conference equipment and Voice over IP) by dialing standard phone numbers (ITU E.164 Recommendation) with which they are mostly familiar.